Friday 4 September 2020

Attempts to Get Organised!

With all the computer based work that I have been doing over the last few weeks/months, and then thinking about all that I wanted to do, needed to do, ought to be doing, thought might be a good idea to be doing in the near future, or that I need to be happening now before something else happens, or so that I can...., or incase something happens....Yes! My mind was a whirl on just about every level.  It would be easy to say I was worrying about everything....but I wasn't.  I wasn't worrying.....I just had too much whizzing round my head.  Too many 'To Do' lists, too much I was focusing on, resulting in me not actually doing anything the last week or so.

As one who is sensitive to nature and the planets, it would be easier to blame it on the Full Moon energy, which of course I did, but at the same time I had to acknowledge that I was perhaps trying to focus on too much all at once, and that I did perhaps need to narrow it down, or pigeon hole it.  

So I sat down with a piece of paper and a pen and I had a 'Brain Dump'.  I wrote down everything I could think of that either was or had been whirling around my head.  I could see that my mind has been so scattered, I didn't know on what to focus first.  Having written it all down, I could group up those bits that were connected.  Now you may wonder how could some one who is furloughed have so much on their mind.  Well to be honest, I have no idea when or if I will be returning to work.  A conversation with the big boss didn't tell me anything other than they weren't making any decisions about the future business model moving forward for the foreseeable future, so he couldn't say what would be happening other than they are trying to look after their staff.  30% of us still on furlough after 6 months. They seem to be managing quite alright with out us. Which does raise questions as to my longterm future, in my mind even if no one elses.  Because, despite what the Boss said, I am not reassured or convinced, and only time will tell on that one.  And in my mind I need to be prepared.

Anyway, I digressed.  So my mind has currently been juggling my online jewellery shop, CPD for my holistic therapies, awaiting my insurance for said therapies and Tarot, keeping interest in my tarot readings, what I will need to do PPEwise to start offering treatments and readings in person, ressurrecting holistic business, starting tarot business, resurrecting jewellery business officially, jobs and projects around the house, my desire to upcycle and sell old furninture, how to get some kind of income coming in before furlough pay might be reduced further, to do all of this before I am called back to work, or indeed how to get equal income coming in before and just in case I find myself unfurloughed and unemployed!!!  

The result of my Brain Dump being to assign days of the week to categories of focus.  That way I only need to focus on a specific thing 1 day at a time.  Not sure if it will work, but I shall give it a go. This week, and I am blaming the full moon energy for this, I have felt completely washed out.  I have noticed over the last couple of months that I am being more affected by the New and Full moons.  So this week I allowed myself to just be. I have done a few things, but not 'worked' as such, but I have rested and allowed my mind to slow down and stop feeling overwhelmed by the sence of urgency that I have been feeling lately.  And today has been the calmest I have felt in weeks.

So my plan is (whilst furloughted at least) to do the following, if only to give myself some structure to the week, rather than aimlessly juggling and dropping balls and achieving nothing: - 

Monday - Write in my journals, do my To Do list for the week, Meditate, Reiki, and any self treatments I may feel I need, and do housework and chores.

Tuesday - Tarot Tuesday!  This day will be for posting tarot readings and doing any readings for clients.

Wednesday - This will be devoted to all things relating to my holistic therapies, revision and building up my skills again, CPD, and when the time is right - giving treatments.

Thursday - All about the Jewellery - this will be my day for creating, and the very first job - to go and sort out the studio so that I can do this.  I have been putting it off, as I really want to see my exisiting stock selling, but I think I need to clear the energy from the studio and start creating again regardless.

Friday - This will be about Social Media.  Posting blogs and videos, going live, checking stats and promoting myself. 

Saturday - I shall have usual weekend chores to do, but will also give this day up to readings and treatments when necessary.

Sunday - Day of rest - nothing work or chore related at all.

And for anything else that hasn't been given a day of the week - it will just have to be fitted in where and when I can, but having organised my week I do feel much better and that I have regained control of both my scattered mind and some much needed structure.

And as today is Friday, I have created 4 videos (click here) showing some of my jewellery, and am posting my blog, so if I can keep to my schedule you can expect blog updates and social media stuff on a friday, ready for you to enjoy at the weekend.

So there we have it.  I can move things around as needed if I get up to date early on any particular day, but I now have a way forward which will hopefully stop me from juggling too many balls and dropping either them or my 'marbles'! 

Blessings to All

Jane x

Saturday 22 August 2020

Celebrating with a Happy Dance!!

 All my hard work over the last month or so has paid off.  It has finally happened.

"What!" I hear you ask.

Well after 9 months of waiting....I have finally manifested a sale from my Folksy Shop!!

So Pleased.  I was at Father in Laws last night when I found out.  I am sure he had no idea what all my glee, yelping, and high pitched excitement was about, and who can blame him.  He's 82 and as long as we don't interrupt his TV viewing he is quite happy, and all this technology is now beyond him, Bless him.  And I was interrupting his viewing with all my excitement and noise after all.  That said, he said all the right things of encouragement, even if he did look a bit bemused by it all.😃

Anyway, we arrived home and I rushed to find the purchased piece of jewellery and scoured my Folksy emails and website to find out what I needed to do next.  I was in a panic, the printer wasn't working, I had to go down the garden to a dark studio to find bubble wrap and jiffy bag, and it was a bit of a stressful hour.  Looking back, it was ridiculous that I got so worked up.  I have been wanting this since I loaded the first badly photo'd 17 items up back in November.  And now I was shouting at the printer, the cat, husband, like this was a bad thing!!??

Clearly Father in Law is not the only technophobe oldie in the family, but yes - I did get flustered and panicked by it all with it being my first online sale....until I pointed out to myself that this wasn't my first sale ever.  I had been selling on the market and at craft fairs for over 7 years, and the principles of the sale were the same - receipt, bag, give to customer = print receipt, package and post to customer.  What a Muppet I was. 😂😅😄

So apologies to the house energy, the cat, hubby and the printer for last nights version of myself.  I am sure future sales will be a much less painless and fraught, now that I have got the first online one out the way. I shall be more organised next time.  What did old Jones say in Dad's Army....."Don't Panic! Don't Panic!"...Note to self. 

So parcel was sent this morning, and I have finally finished loading the Sale items I have been working on the last few days, and I can officially say - SALE ON!!!

Click here to go directly to the Sale items.

Not sure how long the sale will be on for, and these are still all 'one of a kind' pieces, so once they are gone they are gone.  Some great savings though - as much as half price for some items.

Why are they in the sale I hear you say......these are all items that have either been in my stock a long time, or I am just wanting to make room for the new pieces I want to create, or I have just fallen out of love with them, or some are pieces I really like and just want them to find their forever home....or its a combination of all of that.  For whatever the reason, they jointly have resulted in my putting on a sale.

So there you have it....My first Sale.....on two levels - Folksy and Reductions.  Enjoy!

Blessings to All

Jane x

Wednesday 19 August 2020

A Sense of Urgency.....

It has been a funny couple of weeks.  Since rephotographing all of my jewellery to get it all loaded onto my Folksy online shop, that is all I seem to be doing.  Resizing photographs, copyrighting them, loading them, adding the item description and size etc to the item, and so it went now I have all 67 items on display in the online shop.  

Then I noticed the ability to link Folksy to Pintrest. This I did, and having done so spent another few days loading everything up on there too.  Looks good if I say so myself.

As if that wasn't enough, I then found on my phone that I could share the photos on facebook to Instagram.  So Guess What?!  Yes, I am now adding all 67 items to Instagram too.  I think I am about half way through.  I was hoping that I might be able to do it on my computer, but it seems it is something quicker to do on my phone.  I thought that adding it all to folksy with tags was bad enough.  Now everything needs #hashtags....and this is getting tiresome, even though I have copied and pasted into a note on my phone for ease, they still need adapting individually for each photo.  

Dont get me wrong.  I'm not really complaining.  I would just rather be making jewellery than all the online stuff.  But if it gets the word out there and helps to promote my existing jewellery, then once that is done I can crack on with the creating.  That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

And I guess the 'Sense of Urgency' is coming from the fact that I do keep making deals with myself.  Once I have uploaded on to Folksy! ....onto pintrest!.... onto instagram! ...must get it done before I get called back to the day job! ....will I get called back to the day job?! ....What if I don't get called back to the day job?!....What if it is both of us....?? (hubby and I both work at the same place and both still furloughed and both still waiting)......Must get it all done before we get called back!....Must get it all done and earning money before we get told no longer employed?! ...... and so the thoughts continue and the sence of urgency builds.

I think it is the not knowing either way.  The assumption that we are going to be called back at some point waning as the longer this does go on, this being furlough, the more we become engrossed in our lives and future plans at home, the harder it will be when we do get called back.  Yet at the same time, the longer it goes on, the uncertainty as to whether we will be called back increases, and so the urgency then becomes about getting sales of jewellery, getting my holistic insurance sorted, booking paying tarot customers in, getting my holistic skills back up to standard and booking clients in for that, sorting out PPE so that I can work on people rather than just doing video links for tarot and reiki.....Yes!  My mind is a whirl. 

I stay focused on each task, I write To Do lists each week to give myself goals, so that I am not just sat doing nothing worrying.....that isn't helpful at all.  Gotta keep the vibe high and believe in myself and my abilities and that whatever the outcome of furlough, it will be for my highest good, it will be for our best future, and it will give us time to get to where we want to be.  Basically, Everything is as it is Divinely meant to be and for my Highest Good.  And on that life affirming mantra I shall end.

Stay safe folks...and I'm not going mad at all....just focused and eager having finally got a plan for my future.  It will all happen when it is supposed to, and in the meantime I work toward it and trust that it will all manifest at the perfect time.

Blessings to All.


Tuesday 4 August 2020

What Strange Times!

I don't think I know anyone who hasn't been affected by the current Pandemic of 2020. We have lost a couple of friends, but thankfully no family, not that that makes any difference. Our close friends are the family we chose, and so any loss during this pandemic is just awful and devastating. 

I have been furloughed from the 'day job' since March, as has hubby as we both work at the same place, and it has been intense. I don't think a day has gone by where we haven't known what we going to do or how to occupy ourselves. No lounging around for us. In fact we have probably busier in our own home than when we were working and coming home to it. 

Aside from the bedrooms, living room and dining room, the rest of the inside of the house and the 3 external doors have all been redecorated, spruced up, tidied up, to the point where I now feel like I'm living in a showhome.  Gardening has been done, and is still in process with loads more to do, due to the reduced garden waste collections, and hubby has taken to building garden furniture from old wooden pallets. So far I have a new garden table, two benches, a bench with back and arm rests and a footstool/low bench/garden coffee table.  He is now in the process of building us two garden Calver chairs.....or thrones as he calls them!

I have got back into the swing of meditation, and other spiritual luxuries that, pre lockdown and covid, I never used to have the time or energy to do.  Now of course I know why I needed to find the time to do it so that I had the energy for everything else.  And of course with all this time off, one cannot miss the opportunity to reflect, evaluate, and review our lives before this pandemic hit, what 'normal' we want to return to, and what we want our new 'normal' to be.  It has certainly been eye-opening, for us at least.

After all of that I have finally got to the point where I am wanting to review the jewellery situation. And there is a lot of stock just sat here. So I have taken new photos of nearly everything, and am in the process of updating the Folksy shop.  Once that is completely done, I shall then go and tidy the studio and start creating again.  So now instead of only 17 pieces in the shop, there are now 40, and a lot more to come.  That said, with all my 'law of attraction' workings over the last few months, I have managed to manifest a new carpet for the landing and stairs, which was a huge surprise 2 days ago.  I only went in the shop to check if the carpet we wanted was still available, knowing that we didn't yet have the money for it.....and there was something better and cheaper in the end of rolls section.  Couldn't argue with that so Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Universe! 😀🙏 Now I just need to lay it!!

At some point I am sure hubby and I will get the call to return to work, but as there appears to not be any rush to resume the physical side of the business yet, I guess we will bide our time here and enjoy it while we can.  We both recognise that this in itself is a luxury, despite the unprecedented, tragic and worrying times we are in, and so it is to be valued and made the most of for as long as we have the opportunity.

I very much doubt that physical craft fayres or similar events will be around anytime in our futures this year, so with that in mind, do take a look at the Folksy shop.  Here's the link below.

If you are local to Bedford and would like to view in person before you buy, or to pay and callect in person, please contact me.

Stay Safe 
Jane x

Friday 13 December 2019

New Folksy Shop

Well I have finally started an online shop on 
It seems everyone has heard about Etsy......well this is the UK equivalent and home for British Handcrafted creations.  There is an amazing selection of quality handcrafted items covering just about every thing you can imagine.  Just head over and take a look.

Click on the link to the left to go directly to my shop.

It is still work in progress as I have loads of pieces to add to it, but it is a start.
And once I have everything loaded, I can start creating again. 

Short and sweet, thats all for now!

Jane x

Sunday 1 December 2019

Back in the Game!!!

Well last weekend I did my first Craft Fayre in 5 years.  And what a wonderful weekend it was.

I was a little anxious before hand, and the previous weekend I held a jewellery open day and evening jewellery party to help me prepare, and to share my jewellery, old and new, with friends and family.  It wasn't as well attended as I would have liked, but those who came did seem to enjoy it and the feedback was fabulous.....which I have to admit is what I really needed.  It is a huge step for me to resurrect my jewellery business, even if it is on a part time basis along side my demanding full time job.

So last weekend was a two day event, and was so well attended by the town of bedford, that not only were people queueing on mass to come into the hall, they were slow moving around the stalls on mass.  As a result I had a very profitable two days, which much praise for my work, original remaining stock and new creations, and even some past customers from my days on the market stumbled across me, still raving about the jewellery they had bought from me over 5 years ago, and very complimentary.

It was just what I needed to affirm that I was doing the right thing in returning to my love of creating in pure silver metal clay.  My other love....beaded earrings.....well they were just flying out the door.  And many to the stall next to me!!

Two very busy weekends, and a full time job, and this week has been a struggle.  I have had to remind myself that I am 54 with fibromyalgia, and the result of these two busy weekends was almost 3 weeks without a day off!!!  I really didn't think this through. The FM flared up a little with more paid and discomfort, and as for the tiredness.  Well I am amazed I got throught the week.  So Note to Self....No more 2 day events!!!  (Hubby managed to get the monday off, cheeky bugger!  I wouldn't mind but we work at the same place, but on different teams. LOL).

At the moment I am in the process of setting up a Folksy online shop.  Not sure how long this will take me, but watch this space.  In the meantime, here are some pics from the craft fair.

Blessings to All

Jane x

Sunday 19 May 2019

3rd Bite at the Cherry!!!

5 years have passed since my last Blog.  So much has happened.
Reading the last blog I had such plans, and it is hard to remember exactly what went wrong.

I remember I threw myself back into my jewellery, was doing markets and craft fairs, and teaching and discovering copper and bronze metal clay......and then suddenly I walked away.  I had done a year on the markets and other events in 2014, and I had barely (if at all) covered my costs.  I had slipped into the mindset of trying to please the masses with 'cheap' creations, which were really 'not me', and the final straw was buying in a few silver plated pieces to just sell at cost, in an effort to attract people to my stall.  I was so far removed from the jeweller I started out as, the jeweller who created from heart and soul.  And to be honest I fell out of love with my business, my jewellery, and I lost my passion.

So I walked away.  And up until a few weeks ago I had not stepped into my studio for the 5 years in between.

 My poor studio.  It was exactly as I had left it, plus it had been used as dumping ground for other stuff from the house.  It was so sad.  My creating station (bottom right) had unfinished items on it, and as I write this I remember I didn't even check to see if there was anything in the dehydrator.  There were cobwebs and spiders, and dust, and faded stuff, and it was heartbreaking.

But something happened.  I don't know if it was the meditaiton classes or the healing evenings, but something shifted as I stood in my studio feeling overwhelmed by the emotion of loss and regret.  I was compelled to go through all the jewellery that I had in storage, the pieces I had packed away after the last christmas market.  And as I went through through the boxes and the bags of jewellery, the majority of which I had personally handcrafted, it reminded me just how much I had loved making it.  How much I had actually missed it.  And how I desperately wanted to do it again.

Now a lot has changed in the past 5 years.  Both my husband and I found ourselves unexpectedly unemployed, my husband for 2 of those 5 years (so you can imagine what affect that had on him), I was now working full time out of necessity, my body was going through 'something' which it wasn't letting me in on, other than I was in constant pain and my mobility was at times dubious to lacking.  My husband broke his foot and was diagnosed with class 1 Epilepsy, following two nocturnal tonic clonic seizures which came completely out of the blue and a year apart, resulting in him not being able to drive for a year.  So I guess understandably my focus was elsewhere and jewellery was the last thing on my mind.  I have since been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as an explanation for my dodgy mobility and aches and pains, and on reading up on it, it seems to also explain the poorer eyesight and hand weakness and dexterity.  

So the last thing on my mind was making jewellery.  Apart from anything I didn't think I could physically do it.  And then I was given medication for the Fibro, and this combined (I am certain) with the meditation and healing groups, and I am almost back to myself, allowing for the menopause which I am now in the throws of, the symptoms of which are almost interchangeable with the Fibro.  If it's not one thing it is the other.  However, I feel so empowered to make jewellery again - or at least see if I still can, that I have to follow my heart and give it ago. raise funds to start again, all the jewellery I had left from 2014 are all on my Facebook page and are available to purchase, via message and paypal.

You can click on the link above to go to the page and just browse, or on the links below to go directly to the new albums which contain the pics, prices and details. Once the link is open just click on a a jewellery pic to see the details and price.

Jewellery for sale - First Come, First Serve!

Beaded Earrings

Beads, Bronze and Bracelets (which also contains some copper items)


Fathers day/Gifts for Him

I will also be Spring cleaning and emptying the studio, going through everything to see what materials I have to create with, and I will, once this is done be creating again. 
I am starting completely from scratch, as with the unemployment in the past it did have a negative impact financially, and so in the absence of any form of credit now, I have to save for everything.  30 + years financial mismanagement has finally caught up and a lesson well learned and about time.  And with it came lessons learned from my jewellery business, what caused me to lose my passion, and what has brought it back to me, for which I am so very grateful.

There will be a Studio reopening/relaunch Jewellery party once the studio is sorted, and then....I can't wait to open the first new pack of metal clay I buy.

So there it is - the last 5 years in a nutshell, my first blog post in as many years, and my short term plans for my future.  I feel so excited to think that I may just get a 3rd bite at the cherry.

Blessings to All


Sunday 20 April 2014

A 2nd Bite of the Cherry......

Well, as I suggested in my previous posting.......thing were about to change......but at that time I couldn't specify until a few things were in place.

The first was to finalise the details of a new job.......less than my current hours, less money and less stress and draining of energy, thereby freeing up more time and energy to devote to my true love of jewellery.  This also means that I will teaching jewellery and working with metal clay again.  Yippee!!  That's all I can say on that.

The second was to hand in my notice at my current job, and as they had just advertised for new staff.....I thought it a good idea to do it sooner than later - so they now have 6 weeks notice instead of the desired 4.  But that does now mean it is public and I can talk about my plans.

Can't remember if I mentioned the Leighton Buzzard Market......but I shall be doing that regularly on the 4th Saturday of the month in the High Street.  This is in addition to the 2nd Saturday of the month at Bedford Handcrafted Market.  Click here for list of dates.

What I have planned with regard to teaching is a 3 hour Taster Session for Beginners and also full day workshops.  The taster session will be quite basic where as the full day workshops will be more technique based.
So if you fancy learning how to turn this 10g ball of Fine Silver Precious Metal Clay (PMC3) .....

Into 2 pairs of Solid Fine silver Earrings

Or 1 pair of earrings and a pendant in solid fine silver


Then give me a call on 07871 171 565 for more details or email me on to register your interest.  Dates and Venue (in Bedford, UK) to be confirmed soon and the price of this Taster Session will be in the region of £36.

Details of full day workshops will also be coming soon, so let me know if this also interest you,

In addition to my own workshops - I have also been asked to teach metal clay again at Tudor Rose Patchwork - which I am really looking forward to.  I am hoping to include Copper and Bronze workshops but I am still in the process of devising the workshop with the appropriate copper or bronze - still looking for the ideal clay with a firing process that is best suited to workshops.

Another workshop I am planning is a beading workshop - not the intricate seed beading that takes so much patience.  I have had so many people buy my beaded earrings and comment that they wished they knew how to do make them, that I thought I may as well devise a workshop and teach watch this space.

Finally for this is the first JDLM Newsletter  I have produced in two years.  There is a special offer included for April/May so print one off and come and find me at an event if you want to benefit from the offer. 

That's All for now folks
Blessings to All


Wednesday 12 March 2014

Update.......Better late than never!!

Well it has definitely been a while since I have posted on here!! Apologies for that.  The necessary 'Day Job' has certainly got in the way of my jewellery and Me over the last 2 years.  Hopefully that will be rectified quite whilst I can't say anymore for this space!!

Over the last year I have experimented a little with the Goldie Bronze clays.  I am still attempting to get to grips with working with the powders and mixing the clay myself.....and as for the very different firing method associated with Bronze and Copper.......this is very different to firing Fine Silver......and I have to admit to finding this a challenge also.  I will persevere though as copper and bronze clays are a lot more 'affordable' than Fine Silver, which means I can make the 'big pieces' I have had in mind for so long. 

That said, my love is still with Fine Silver - I prefer everything about it and I can't wait to get back to focusing on making silver jewellery again - time and day job allowing.

Since I returned to 'employment' I had to suspend teaching, but this is soon to be rectified - so I am back on the market for' one to one' tuition and hopefully (within the next 6 months) workshops will also soon be available again.

We have just had the first 'Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Area' Market of the season, so as a reminder it is the 2nd Saturday of the month.  Click here for dates.  I am also hoping to attend the Leighton Buzzard Handcrafted markets, to be held on the 4th Saturday of the month, but this has yet to be confirmed - so again, watch this space.

The Website ( has been redesigned and, after a few hiccups caused by Windows 8.1, is now finally up and working as it should. Please take the time to have a look - I have simplified it so it should be much easier to navigate around.

The shop page on the website has been updated with new stock, so well worth a look.  Remember - I only make 'one of a kind' items so once it has gone - its gone.  that said I am quite pleased that after all these years I am still making individual items.

When I get time, I have also started dabbling in Polymer clay - just to make a few beads and to give colour and depth to some of my jewellery - I quite like using it with the bronze and copper, so this is something else I am having fun in learning and experimenting with.

I am also considering getting an Etsy shop, but this will not be happening for a couple of months as I want to make some items specifically for that 'outlet'.  Again - watch this space!

Well I think that is all for now......time for me to go to bed I think, as it is nearly 2.30am, but I wanted to quickly update the blog and get back into the swing of it.  So Night All and Sleep tight!

Bright Blessings
J x

Thursday 24 January 2013

Operation 'Reclaiming the Studio'

Well reading the last post I can see that, with all the best of intentions, having a day job and wanting to make jewellery are not necessarily compatible.  I have to admit to having found it hard to juggle the 'day job' with the household responsibilities and still find time for jewellery.

It is over 6 months on since I last wrote and we are now into a new year.  I am now in panic mode to get my tax return in by the end of this month, and I find myself once more reviewing where I am with regard to my jewellery.

To enable me to even start my tax return I first of all had to locate all receipts etc.....and to do that I had to venture down to the studio.  Unfortunately, because I have been so preoccupied and exhausted by all things 'employment', the last 12 months has seen my studio gradually turn into a 'dumping ground' for all things 'business'........and so when I did venture down to it......this is what I found!!

These are definately the 'Before' pictures and a reminder of how messy the creative mind can be.  Because whilst it is a mess (which I am rather ashamed of) I also have to acknowledge that under the mess is actually my normal muddled working method......with everything everywhere!!!

The shed with the window is my studio.....and I have to say looking rather lovely in the snow.
That is......until you open the door!!

Warm and Toaster with the heater and the fan......
but what a muddle!

My workstation.....the table at which I create!  Elements of the last creative frenzy remaining
along with a few bits that had been 'dumped' as the closest table to the door!

The big table......mostly papers on here along with 'overspill' from the workstation. 

My storage units......also in a state of disorganisation.
What you don't see in any of these pictures are the two crates of papers that had just been dumped in here, and judging by some of the dates on bits I have finally thrown - had been 'stored' for about 4 years!!!

Not very proud of what I found, and also hardly suprising that I didn't go down there very much.  I am a great believer in the space we occupy reflecting the state of our mind.......and clearly mine was very muddled, and bearing in mind how long my studio had looked like this, I clearly had some blocks!!

Anyway, two days in my toasy little studio, sorting and throwing, cleaning and filing, and I was very proud of myself.  I did actually feel like I had taken a major step forward in 'releasing' the past business so that I could now embrace my future hobby.  I also realised that I have learnt quite a lot over the years, but I hadn't actually acted upon it or put it into practice.  I found Copper clay that I hadn't tried yet, scratchfoam, new colour systems......all things that I wanted to try but hadn't got around to.

Maybe this would change with my newly reclaimed and tidied Studio.......
The After pictures.....

My workstation - once more a place for creation.
A new design already in scratchfoam, just waiting to be made.

A much better view from the door and definitely more inviting.

So much space to design and create, and maybe even teach again.
We will just have to see.

Even the storage had a little attention and is once again 'ship shape'.

So, in the days since tiding up my studio - have I made anything or designed.  Well apart from the quick design I felt compelled to do as I was getting to the end of operation 'Reclaim the Studio' - no I haven't.
On the one hand I don't really feel free to until I have got my tax return done and submitted.  But on the other I have to admit to that 'blank paper' feeling.  Not quite knowing where to put the first mark.  There is an undeniable fear......of what I am not sure.....but 'fear' is the only way I can describe it.  Maybe this is the last block.....not just with Jewellery but with my life in general.  An undefinable fear of something, everything and nothing that stops me from throwing myself into my life.  Perhaps this is something I can peruse on my other blog.....this really isn't the place for such things, other than to say that acknowledgement is half the battle, and knowing that it exists makes me strong enough to just get on with it.

Whilst I admit that the 'day job' does take more out of me than I first thought it would, I am also now free (or will be after the tax return deadline) with my tidy clean studio to do just that and 'get on with it'......and so I am looking foward to taking a year out to explore the theories of my learning and putting them into practice and experience.  And in doing so I will be looking forward to presenting new pieces of jewellery and other creations that reflect this new stage of my journey with my jewellery.

Feeling kind of excited about this next chapter.

Bright Blessings to All xx

Sunday 10 June 2012

6 Months to Reflect......

Well it has been about 6 months since my last post - and during that time I have completely stepped back from all things Jewellery.  The last year or so has been extremely hard for a number of reasons....but the main one being the financial climate and the affect it had on me both personally and with regard to the business and the family.  So there have been some necessary changes.

The main and most important one being that I now have 'a day job' - working as a medical receptionist.  This I have had since March, and prior to that from January to March I was working as a temp at the Path Lab in the local hospital.  It became apparent over the last 18 months that, despite all my efforts, I was not going to earn sufficient income to support my family from my jewellery business.  The new income received from my job has enabled us to sort a lot of things out and we are now back on a firmer financial footing.

Due to the hardships experienced earlier, it did cause me to 'fall out of love' with my jewellery and the making of it.....something that I thought would never happen.....and after a little reflection and period of mourning that also coincided with the acquiring of a fore mentioned 'employment'....I decided to just 'let go' of my attachment to my jewellery and my creativity, and to just focus on my new job and getting the home/finances/family all back in order.

6 Months on, after a complete 'hands off' all things jewellery and a definite avoidance of the studio at the bottom of the garden.....I am now starting to return to my jewellery making.  I have been to market with existing stock, and whilst initially feeling that I didn't want to be there, I am now enjoying it again and feeling less like it is something I have to move away from, but more and once again like it is part of me that I do need to embrace.....but with some changes.

So whilst I am now able again to create jewellery - both from the heart and financial perspectives.....I want to ensure that I don't ever lose my love for it again.  And whilst I am retaining my self-employed status and I will continue to trade and make jewellery......I am reverting back to 'hobby' rather than 'business', thereby taking some of the pressure off myself.  I am also only going to be making jewellery that I like and want to make - I am sure that for every piece I create there is a person out there to give it a good home and love wearing it.  I am not going to be governed by season or commercial high days and holidays, or focusing on what will 'bring in the money'.  The whole point of my making jewellery is that I just wanted to make jewellery because the creative process and intent gives me pleasure and is part of me.  Focusing on the business side of things took me away from that - hence the return to 'hobby status'.

I am also going to allow myself to not accept commissions and to stop doing the fingerprint stuff.....which to be honest I never really enjoyed doing.  If I feel inclined to do the odd commission then that is okay too - but I don't want to feel that 'I have to' because 'we need the money'.  All I ask of my jewellery making is that it is 'self sufficient' - that it will afford me the next pack of PMC, packaging, hallmarking etc and the next trading event, that it will fund some metal clay courses that I would so love to attend, and that in time I may start teaching the odd workshop here and there.

I quoted to a musical friend just the other evening...."You have to experience what you are not, to remember who you are".......and I believe I have done this over the last 6-9 months.  I have stepped back and evaluated my business and my mindset over the last 3 years......and I have come to the conclusion that it is just about the making of the jewellery and my love for it........and as long as I stick with that......then both me and my jewellery will be okay.

So watch this space......because some new pieces will be coming very soon.

Bright Blessings to all.

Friday 16 December 2011

Last Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Market of 2011!

Well we have got through the year and almost to the end of 2011, and tomorrow is the last handmade in Bedford market of the year.

There will be lots to see and as it is the last market before Christmas...... lots of opportunities to get those last minute gifts.

And on my addition to my handcrafted fine silver jewellery.....I have also created some gold and silver plated beaded earrings, and my new range of copper creations will also be having their first outing, along with some copper Christmas Decorations.....just a little something I thought I would try.
Finally - Whilst having a bit of a clearout - I found some encaustic wax art and Christmas cards that I made a little while ago.  So rather then just keep them in storage I thought I would bring those along too.
That said - there is something to suit everybody's pocket - from £2 upwards.

So for some original art, unique wax greeting cards, fine silver jewellery, copper jewellery and decorations, and beaded earrings and jewellery - come along to my stall tomorrow between 8.30 am and 4.30pm.

I am hoping that the weather stays calm and dry and we have a very prosperous day on which to end our least until April 2012 - which is when we will be back.

Hope to see some tomorrow
Bright Blessings and Seasons Greetings to All xx

Monday 28 November 2011

New look Website......and other stuff!

As Autumn takes hold and Winter approaches it is very much time to reflect on the past year.  I could have done a lot of things differently, but poor health and financial constraints have made this year a bit of a challenge, and so I am happy to be at a point where I can step back and review, and also plan for the coming New Year.

Firstly, I have a new look website which I have painstakingly built myself.  I am self taught in Dreamweaver, and whilst it may not be the easiest of software to get on with - I am sure there is simpler stuff out there - it is all I had access to it and so I took the plunge.  I am very pleased with what I have done.  It was certainly a learning curve, and I am already planning the next one and thinking of what I could have done differently!!  Anyway - it will do for a while. LOL 

Click here to view the new website.

We Are Bedford Pop Up Emporium

Until 15 December I have the honour of having a selection of my jewellery on display at a temporary Pop up shop in the new Castle Quarter of Bedford.  The shop, organised by the We Are Bedford group is for one month only and closes on 17 December 2011.  Don't let its 'temporary-ness' deter you from visiting....if anything let it emphasise the urgency for you to visit!

Why! - the pop up shop is about the community and it is stocked with loads of locally created handcrafted goods - all 100% genuine handcrafted items - art, fabric crafts, jewellery, furniture - all made locally.

So get along and have a look at what the best of Bedford have to offer - before its too late!!

New Copper Clay

With the price of Silver PMC today - and the fact it has increased so much of the last year - it has become difficult to maintain my creative activities, teaching has also seen some changes and the price of my finished products have also had to increase in line. 

However! There is a new kid on the block - Copper Clay.  It is worked in a similar fashion to silver clay, but it is so much more affordable - thereby making it an ideal starting point for anyone wanting to learn metal clay working, and it also gives me a new look to my products too.

I have tried a sample pack and today have taken delivery of a full pack of clay - which I will shortly be diving into in a creative frenzy! watch this space for new creations.

Holistic Therapies

Finally, I can't remember if I have already mentioned this, but I am now also offering Reflexology and Reiki treatments at The Mews Osteopathy and Sports Injury Clinic in Bedford.  Although more of a medical centre the clinic does offer some holistic therapies such as Homoeopathy and Nutrition, in addition to Osteopathy and sports massage.  An now, of course, Reflexology and Reiki.

For more details about The Mews Clinic - Click Here.

For details about Reflexology and Reiki - Click Here.

Well that is all for now folks - hope you have a look at all the links above and by all means share them with any interested contacts - the folks following the better!

Bright Blessings to all

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Buy in Person for Christmas

Well, it is that time of year again - the flurry of activity in the run up to Christmas.
If you love my jewellery and want to know where I will be so that you can buy in person before Christmas - avoiding that last minute rush.....I will be at the Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Market in Bedford town centre on: -

Saturday 5 November and Saturday 17 December.

Check out the website first if you like and then come and see the jewellery 'in its silver glory' on one of the above days - do the 'touchy feeling - try before you buy' thing.  I can usually be found outside M & S - though this may be subject to change in December.

For more details about the Handcrafted in Bedfordshire market check out this facebook page.
For my website, click here

Friday 5 August 2011

Next Market and events

The next Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Market is to be held on Saturday 13 August and I hope to be in my usual spot outside Marks & Spencer.

Saturday 14 August I shall be at the Northampton Festival of Natural Health and Unique Shopping Experience, at the Park Inn in Northampton - 10am to 5pm.

Saturday 20 August I shall be at the Wellingborough Summer Gift and Craft Fair.

I am trusting that these events will be well supported and of course also trusting that I will make sufficient sales.

Bright Blessings to all.

Friday 3 June 2011

Handcrafted in Bedford Market

The Next Handcrafted in Bedford Market will be on Saturday 11 June 2011 from 8.30am to 4.30pm, in the pedestrianised area of Midland Road, Bedford Town Centre. Our line of stalls run from M & S down to BHS.

There are also a couple of Vintage stalls who attend, in association with the Handcrafted in Bedford (HiB) group.

As a group, we now also have a Facebook Page which I look after on behalf of the crafters. At each market I take photo's of a few of the stalls and get contact details for the crafters, which will all go on the page - thereby making them more accessible to the public outside of the market days.

Take at look at the page by clicking Here and if you are a 'Facebooker' - do please 'like' it and spread the word - particularly if you are local to Bedford. We want to attract more people directly to our market, and not to have to wait for them to just 'stumble' across us in passing. LOL

That's all for now
Thanks for reading


I do so hate to discuss money and prices etc but needs must and all that.......

The price of Precious Metal Clay has increased considerably over the last 12 months - particularly over the last few months.  This time last year a 16g pack of PMC cost around £24, then it went up to £27.  At around Christmas time it went up to £33, and then with the VAT increase to £37.  Then the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan.....Of course all our thoughts were with the people of Japan - all of us stunned at what they were having to endure.  I certainly couldn't comprehend losing absolutely everything in a matter of seconds, watching loved ones be washed away.  About a week later I realised that I might actually have just gone out of business......the manufacturer of PMC is in Japan, and on further investigation I found that they had plants close to the damaged reactor.  It wasn't looking good for a while, but as it turns out the PMC plant is actually in the south of Japan, and so thankfully was not directly affected.  However, the above events did have an affect on the stability and price of the Yen.  The result was that the price of PMC rocketed further, and whilst the UK Distributer had held off any price increases until last year, it was not longer possible to cover any fluctuations.  Therefore, after the earthquake a further couple of price increases - the same pack of PMC now costs in the region of £45 (inc VAT).  

Whilst other UK suppliers may well have kept their prices as low as possible for as long as possible, I expect that they too will also have to adjust their prices very soon, if they haven't already.  Even the other brand of metal Clay - Silver Art Clay has also increased there prices by around 60% in one go - so this is happening across the industry.  From my perspective, as I get discount from one supplier I will remain loyal to them because it still beats the cost of getting my supplies from those whose retail price may be slightly less.


This of course has had a knock on affect on the cost of my workshops and the way I charge them.  In the past I have offered all inclusive workshops - prices to include the materials used.  This is no longer possible due to the way the cost of PMC has increased so dramatically, and that it is likely to continue to increase in line with the price of silver.  Because of this - my tuition is now restricted to One ot One sessions and Small Group Tuition (up to 3 students on a course), and these are priced for my time, knowledge and overheads only.  Students will now be required to source and purchase the required materials for the tuition session themselves, and bring the materials to the session. 

My reason for this is that over the past year I have arranged workshops with third party organisers in advance for their advertising etc, and by the time we have got to the workshop and me ordering the materials, the price has increased beyond what my discount will 'buffer', and I have ended up teaching for a lot less or in some cases nothing, as I have had to cover the difference.  Not a good situation when trying to feed a family!

The website is gradually being updated to reflect this, and whilst I enjoy teaching I am drawing back from the number of places that I teach and also the number of coursed that I put on.  I will now be booking the small workshops when I have sufficient numbers interested in attending.


Of course the above price increases have also affected the price of my jewellery.  Older pieces are still priced at what the raw materials cost me when they were made, and it is only the new pieces that are now reflecting the recent price increases.  It has also been necessary for me to increase my hourly rate - and so together in comparing the older pieces against the new there is a noticeable difference in price - but I believe that you are still getting value for money in buying my jewellery directly from me.  Were my Jewellery to be in a gallery or a shop it would be around 30 - 40% more expensive, which I think may well price it out of the market!

I will therefore continue to sell my jewellery directly to the public myself, either through markets, craft fairs or from my website and I trust that those who are already lovers and wears of my jewellery will continue to support me and spread the word about my lovely and beautiful creations.

Thanks to those who have continued to support me during what has been a difficult financial and economic climate for those in the 'luxury' businesses.

Bright Blessings to all xx

Friday 29 April 2011

New String to my Bow!

Or rather I should say "adding an old string"!

Due to financial constraints and the lack of suitable jobs, in addition to my jewellery making, I will soon also be returning to my previous field of self employment - that of Complementary Therapist treating in Reflexology and Reiki.

When I left the profession some years ago, I always said that there was unfinished business - and I guess, due to the timing and speed at which I have made the decision....and also how 'right' it feels, that now is the time.

I will be continuing with my jewellery making,  and to a lesser degree teaching also, but my focus will now also be on remembering all the theory and getting back up to speed with the treatments.  For a short while - Free Treatments will be available to family and friends - so get them while you can.

Blessings to All

Next Events

St Cuthberts Street Family Festival

Saturday 30 April 2011, 10am to 5.30pm - loads going on including indoor craft village - where you will find me with my jewellery.

All the shops are getting involved too and a fab local group Dynaphone Records will be performing.  This looks to be a fab day out for the family.

Handcrafted in Bedford Market

The next market will be on Saturday 14 May 2011 - come on down to Bedford Town Centre and find us in Midland Road (pedestrianised area) - and me you will find outside M & S.

Hope to see you soon

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Countdown to the start of the Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Markets!

Well the day is looming - the first 2011 Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Market is to be held on Saturday 9th April, and from then on the 2nd Saturday of the month from April through to November.

Now in case you haven't yet been to one of the HiB markets, they or rather we (the crafty traders) can be found in Bedford town centre in the pedestrianised area of Midland Road. This would be the bit running from M & S down past BHS and Primark.

The majority of the stalls are all selling items handcrafted by the trader or a family member - and these are genuine handcrafted goods of a high quality - and they are all made in and around Bedford and Bedfordshire. There may also be a couple of 'vintage' stalls - again selling quality items but from long gone era's.

Of course - I will be there with my jewellery - and if you are not already acquinted with it - it is all personally handcrafted by me. I work in Precious Metal Clay, which is pure silver that has been ground into tiny particles and combined with an organic binder and some water - giving it a putty like consistancy. It is a fabulous material to work with and allows both texture and form to be applied with relative ease to create the most gorgeous Fine Silver Jewellery, which undergo the same testing and hallmarking as all precious metals, and whereas Sterling Silver is hallmarked as 92.5% silver, my jewellery is hallmarked as 99.9% fine silver.

Each item is a unique one-off piece, though I am currently working on some duplicable ranges, which although designed to replicated, will in themselves each be unique, due to processes involved in their handcrafting.

So....take a look at my website, particularly the fine silver jewellery page, and if you see anything that you like the look of, come on down to the market on the 9th to view it in person, or if you can't wait that long - buy it online through secure payment with PayPal.

Here are all the dates for the markets......

9th April
14th May
11th June
9th July
13th August
10th September
8th October
5th November
Sunday 18th of Dec.

Do come and support your local craftspeople - it has been a tough 12 months so Here's to a better 2011.

Hopefully I will see you there.

Bright blessings to All

The Random Journeys of an Aries Moon: Mercury Retrograde II - Re-booting and Relishing t...

Check this out from a friend of mine - very fluent in astrology and delivers it in easy to understand lingo - no jargon! The Random Journeys of an Aries Moon: Mercury Retrograde II - Re-booting and Relishing t...: "Below is a post I wrote yesterday, as Mercury was stationing at 25 Aries. I’m writing this in a virtual “black hole” in communication terms..."

Thursday 17 March 2011

Next workshop Saturday 26 March

There are still places left on my workshop so if you fancy a day out being creative making fine silver jewellery - then click here for full details.  The deadline for bookings and payments is Tuesday 22nd.

Picture shows an example of the types of jewellery you may be able to make on the day - of course of your own design - you can expect to make at least 2 pieces - maybe more depending upon size.
These items were created on another recent Intro workshops, and none of the students had prior experience.

The next workshop is to be held on Saturday 23 April and the topic is PMC & Fused Glass - click here for full details.

This is the style of jewellery we will be making on the day and again, many on the workshop had not had prior experience, though some had already attended an Intro day.  Not all the students wanted to make two glass pieces, so they made some 'just silver' items in addition to their glass with silver surround.

Check out the full website for details of all I do - click here

Hope to see you sometime soon

Bright Blessings to All

Sunday 16 January 2011

PMC Workshop 22 January 2011

There are still some places left on my Precious Metal Clay workshop on 22 January.  If you are interested and would like to attend then contact Tudor Rose Patchwork, who are organising it via the following link and check out the courses/workshops.

You pay a booking fee to Tudor Rose Patchwork, and you pay me directly for the materials.  At the end of the day you leave with a piece of fine silver jewellery that you will be proud to wear, knowing it is of your own design.

Saturday's workshop topic is that of a domed hollow pendant/accent bead.

Check out my website for more details on other workshops, if you can't make the above date.

Hope to see you.


Sunday 9 January 2011

Newsletter Jan 2011

Here's the first Newsletter of 2011.  I hope that these will be quarterly or every couple of months.
Click here to view newsletter.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Happy New Year Everyone!

2011 is upon us and I really do hope that it proves to be a very happy and prosperous year for all.

So as the New Year has started and I have said a very relieved farewell to 2010 - yes I was pleased to see the back of it (LOL)......I turn my attention to what I learnt about myself in 2010, what I did right, what I did wrong or could have done differently, and what positive steps I can take forward into 2011.  So as the we entered into January I made a firm commitment to myself to start as I meant to go on, not to let mishaps and other things side track me, not to get dispondent or down hearted.....and basically to stay focused, motivated and to just get on with it regardless.  And so that is what I am doing.  Things still aren't great......but at least my head is now in the right place to deal with it and push through it.

Reading my last entry, I should correct something - the band that Holly joined actually lost the lead singer within a matter of days, so that was very short lived!  She is however now in another band - still early days, but hopefully this will be a better opportunity for her, and at least the previous lead singer is actually giving her vocal coaching, we really can't be faulted and is so generous of her.  So I will let you know when they are doing a gig next.  She does still sing at open mic nights though, and that is always worth going to.

The website has been updated with all the new 2011 Workshop dates, so if you are interested in learning to make Fine Silver Jewellery and working with Precious Metal Clay, then take a look - lots of dates and prices to choose from.

I am currently taking a little time out from jewellery making whilst I evaluate what has and hasn't sold well, and also while I decide what I really want to make - where my heart lies and also what style of jewellery I can do that will actually earn me a living.  Lots to think about and perhaps some changes too.

Apart from my website ( you can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter - the buttons to those are on the left - it would be great to have some new followers and fans.

I started doing a newsletter last year, but this dwindled....more down to me than anything I plan to resurrect this very soon - so if anyone has anything they would like me to add to it that relates to my jewellery or workshops, or maybe you would like to advertise something in it, then get in touch with me.

Finally, I would like to say a huge Thank You to friends and family who have supported me during 2010, and also to customers and students who have stuck with me.  It really does mean a lot to know that you are out there rooting for me, and it really has helped me to start 2011 with a new found sence of ambition.

Bright New Year Blessings to All


Tuesday 19 October 2010

Catch Up!!

Hi to All!

It has been quite a while since I tapped the keys to keep in touch with you, and for that I am sorry.  Things haven't been great at this end. 
Financial difficulties, car breaking down, being fixed and then still not right, being fixed and then breathing its last, being without a car for about 4 weeks, Dishwasher then breathing its last, Hubby having new job and living away midweek, and then Hubby being ill (thankfully not him breathing his last!!) - It has all been very challenging for me.  Lot of tears (a need to release the frustration and annoyance at the situation) and a real urge to just go and sit in a corner, suck my thumb and rock quietly back and forth - a case of 'stop the world - I want to get off!!
Happily though - the financial situ has been temporarily sorted - but I do need to go and get a 'day job' fairly soon - as succinctly put by my 15 year old (!) - I now have a car which though used is new to me and will hopefully be good for a few years to come.  As for the Dishwasher......thats why we had children so they can just get on with it! 
Hubby is still poorly with this raging sore throat and horrid cough which is keeping us both awake at night.  A visit to the doc and he has antibiotics and something to help him sleep.  Brilliant we thought.  Trouble is whilst he wasn't able to rest and sleep properly he was at least quiter with the exception of the coughing. For some reason the snoring had stopped.  Last night with the help of his medicine - he slept much better - except he was so much noisier - what with the coughing and spluttering, wheezing and snoring, and his heavy breathing was so much thinks the settee is looking very inviting tonight!
As for me - lack of sleep hasn't helped, but I am now feeling that things are getting better and I am hoping that the uncomfortable challenges of the last few months have now subsided and that things will soon be back on an even keel, and I will be feeling less stressed and challenged by it all.

Good News for daughter #2 - Holly. She went along to a friends gig and was invited to sing with the band - providing backing for the lead singer on a couple of numbers.  It was only during the sound check that we found out that they were considering her for the band depending upon how it went.  Shock and jubilation - she is now their backing singer - and she only 15!! Their first gig is to be 18 December and you can follow the band 'Spoilt for choice' from this link: -!/spoiltforchoicelive

As for my jewellery job - I am of course going to continue this - fitting it around everything else (somehow!) and the teaching will also continue, but only at weekends.  I am of course hoping that the additional job will be a temporary thing, but needs must when the Devil drives, and it may actually provide me with the opportunity to step back a little - rethink my business plan and desires, and actually help me to get closer to them.

The next workshop is 30 October at Raleigh House, Bedford, and this is PMC & Nature day.  Come along to make items of jewellery inspired directly from Mother Nature herself, using textures and shapes taken directly from bark, leaves, twigs, shells etc.

Generally speaking, from conversations with friends, it seems that the last few months have heralded a time of great change for many - challenges, upheaval and generally trying times.  This suggests to me that many of us are indeed being challenged to face some of our own demons,outdated beliefs and repeating patterns of behaviour, in an effort to help us to let them go and more forward to bigger and better things.

On this positive note I offer Bright Blessings to All, until next time.

Friday 24 September 2010

Great Barford Show

Come for a great day out at the Great Barford Show - there will be Dog Shows and Craft Stalls and much much more (I think! LOL). Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 10am to 6pm (I think!)......I will be there with my jewellery, so come along and say Hi!.

Hope to see you there.

Bright Blessings to All

Sunday 19 September 2010

Happy Sunday!

Sunday Morning - and having woken up with my head and chest buzzing with ideas for work, I reminded myself that it was Sunday and probably my only day off for the next two weeks.  On top of that, Hubby starts a new contract up in Chesterfield - which means he is away all week and I am once again a single parent with two teenagers and a full time business, which does miraculously appear to have turned around for the better in the last two weeks.  I am thinking that life is going to be very hectic.

So - this morning I pursuaded myself to just relax and stop thinking about work, and so I snuggled into Hubby and managed a nice long doze.  Thats what Sunday mornings should be about - warm & snuggly.

To make my Sunday even better I have decided upon a nice homemade minced beef pie with lots of potatoes, veg and gravy.  I love shortcrust pastry and gravy - a real treat - and very much my kind of 'comfort food'.

And there is still more - friend and tarot reader extraordinaire - Spellbound Sue - put out a call for volunteers to have readings from the students on her tarot workshop today.  So I have that to look foward to aswell - Hubby is having one also - so it seems quite appropriate as our lives are seemingly taking yet another turn.  Maybe this will give us clues as to what affect these changes might have on us as individuals.

I have very much to be grateful for over the last few weeks, and I suppose also this last year, though it has been extremely difficult at times for a number of reasons, but we have got through it and things are definately changing for the better on many levels - and so I guess the journey, although rough - was a means to an end, and with all the recent revellations that have manifested in my self awareness, I can't help but think that they marked the start of the end, and the beginning of the new...and so it was no surprise that my online Tarot card last night was the Death card - letting go of the old and embracing the new - rebirth. 

I don't know what the future holds - but I know that there is nothing to fear in change but fear itself - and so I embrace the change that is coming and trust that The Powers that Be only and always have my best interests in mind, and support me on every level.  And with that in mind I guess it is time for me to start nurturing myself also.

I offer Bright Blessings to All - and wish you all that you wish for yourselves.

Jane xx

Friday 17 September 2010

The Crafty Cupcake!

I am very pleased to announce that I can now offer two events through The Crafty Cupcake in Gamlingay.

Wednesday 6 October 2010 - 10am to 2pm - Fingerprints in Silver.
Come along with your child/children and have their fingerprint(s) taken in a mould, which I then use to create a beautiful Fine Silver Keepsake.  Maybe just a simple charm for you to put on an existing chain or bracelet, or maybe you want to order the chain, bracelet or keyfob as well.  Alternatively, maybe you want to commission a 'stand alone'  piece of jewellery which incorporates the fingerprint.  Simply book your session with The Crafy Cupcake in advance, and come along on the day.  A deposit on booking will be required - details to follow very soon.

Saturday 13 November 2010 - 10am to 5pm - An Introduction to Precious Metal Clay Workshop.
You too can make Fine Silver Jewellery! Come along and spend the day learning how to apply texture, cut out, get the best finish, Fire, burnish and polish your Precious Metal Clay into a beautiful piece (or pieces) of Fine Silver Jewellery to take home with you and wear with pride.
More details and prices coming soon - you will be required to pay a workshop fee to The Crafty Cupcake to book your place, and Material costs to me on the day.

These details are not yet on the you will need to book direct with The Crafty Cupcake.  Click on the link to register your interest.


Having come so close to idly watching my dreams slip away before me, I pulled myself up by the boot straps and decided that this month - September - I would turn it all around.  I wasn't going to Quit.  I wasn't going to ignore the situation. I was going to do my damndest to manifest a change in my circumstances, or at least go down with one final and huge effort.  So I let out my cry of desperation and hope - "I will change - I will change things and I NOW CHOOSE to turn my fortune around THIS MONTH". And then in my thoughts, a rather weak voice utters......"and if I don't I will just go and get a 'proper job' - I must take responsibility for this mess - I must look after my family."

It was official - I had hit the bottom!

Well I have to say that my determination does appear to have paid off.  I think the 'PsTB' (Powers That Be - for the uninitiated!) were watching to see what I did next - and if positive they might just help.
First - I had a brill day at the Handcrafted in Bedford market - very profitable for the purse - I was very happy.
Then, though the Potton Show did not manifest some immediate financial reward, I did make a contact who was interested in selling my jewellery and in my teaching for her.  More on that later - but a very fortunate new contact and I dare to say - potentially a new friend!
More commissions for stud and clip on earrings have come in from The Stani Gallery - so extra work there.
The workshop on September 18 at Raleigh House (council Adult Education) is actually going ahead - it has been a long haul - but finally there has been enough interest - so that is good to.
And then finally - having given myself a good talking to - I have programmed in my own workshops for 2011 - all set and now on the website.  Yes they are more expensive than those I teach through Tudor Rose Patchwork and Adult education, but then I am also taking on the responsibility of providing a suitable training venue and advertising them, and they are not subsidised by the govenment or adjacent businesses - so taking all that into account - you can see why they cost a little more. 
Why would people come to my workshops when they can get me cheaper elsewhere? - I will be honest in saying that this does concern me - but then my workshops do compare favourably to other private PMC tuition available - so I am trusting that there is a market for all my classes - regardless of whether they are organised by me or a third party.  Trusting the PsTB!

So all in all - it looks like my fortune may just be starting to improve - and I am very grateful.


The result of the sudden influx of work.....of my realising that I might actually have indeed turned things around........that I may not have to get a proper job after all.......that I might actually succeed and continue my dream....... why I am in a complete state of panic! - 'Rabbit in headlights' springs to mind! LOL
I feel like all my demons (though I recognise that maybe there are still a few lurking in the shadows!) have risen to the surface to deal NOW!

So - rather than sticking head in sand or running in opposite direction - I am Trusting that I am up to this challenge.  That step by step I can achieve everything. That I recognise there is always room for improvement - and I shall get there soon. And Finally - that Everything is Exactly and Divinely where it is Meant to Be!  So with that in mind - No Worries!

It is what it is - and I am so happy to be 'In this Moment'.

Bright Blessings to Everyone