It has been a funny couple of weeks. Since rephotographing all of my jewellery to get it all loaded onto my Folksy online shop, that is all I seem to be doing. Resizing photographs, copyrighting them, loading them, adding the item description and size etc to the item, and so it went now I have all 67 items on display in the online shop.
Then I noticed the ability to link Folksy to Pintrest. This I did, and having done so spent another few days loading everything up on there too. Looks good if I say so myself.
As if that wasn't enough, I then found on my phone that I could share the photos on facebook to Instagram. So Guess What?! Yes, I am now adding all 67 items to Instagram too. I think I am about half way through. I was hoping that I might be able to do it on my computer, but it seems it is something quicker to do on my phone. I thought that adding it all to folksy with tags was bad enough. Now everything needs #hashtags....and this is getting tiresome, even though I have copied and pasted into a note on my phone for ease, they still need adapting individually for each photo.
Dont get me wrong. I'm not really complaining. I would just rather be making jewellery than all the online stuff. But if it gets the word out there and helps to promote my existing jewellery, then once that is done I can crack on with the creating. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.
And I guess the 'Sense of Urgency' is coming from the fact that I do keep making deals with myself. Once I have uploaded on to Folksy! ....onto pintrest!.... onto instagram! ...must get it done before I get called back to the day job! ....will I get called back to the day job?! ....What if I don't get called back to the day job?!....What if it is both of us....?? (hubby and I both work at the same place and both still furloughed and both still waiting)......Must get it all done before we get called back!....Must get it all done and earning money before we get told no longer employed?! ...... and so the thoughts continue and the sence of urgency builds.
I think it is the not knowing either way. The assumption that we are going to be called back at some point waning as the longer this does go on, this being furlough, the more we become engrossed in our lives and future plans at home, the harder it will be when we do get called back. Yet at the same time, the longer it goes on, the uncertainty as to whether we will be called back increases, and so the urgency then becomes about getting sales of jewellery, getting my holistic insurance sorted, booking paying tarot customers in, getting my holistic skills back up to standard and booking clients in for that, sorting out PPE so that I can work on people rather than just doing video links for tarot and reiki.....Yes! My mind is a whirl.
I stay focused on each task, I write To Do lists each week to give myself goals, so that I am not just sat doing nothing worrying.....that isn't helpful at all. Gotta keep the vibe high and believe in myself and my abilities and that whatever the outcome of furlough, it will be for my highest good, it will be for our best future, and it will give us time to get to where we want to be. Basically, Everything is as it is Divinely meant to be and for my Highest Good. And on that life affirming mantra I shall end.
Stay safe folks...and I'm not going mad at all....just focused and eager having finally got a plan for my future. It will all happen when it is supposed to, and in the meantime I work toward it and trust that it will all manifest at the perfect time.
Blessings to All.
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