Saturday, 22 August 2020

Celebrating with a Happy Dance!!

 All my hard work over the last month or so has paid off.  It has finally happened.

"What!" I hear you ask.

Well after 9 months of waiting....I have finally manifested a sale from my Folksy Shop!!

So Pleased.  I was at Father in Laws last night when I found out.  I am sure he had no idea what all my glee, yelping, and high pitched excitement was about, and who can blame him.  He's 82 and as long as we don't interrupt his TV viewing he is quite happy, and all this technology is now beyond him, Bless him.  And I was interrupting his viewing with all my excitement and noise after all.  That said, he said all the right things of encouragement, even if he did look a bit bemused by it all.😃

Anyway, we arrived home and I rushed to find the purchased piece of jewellery and scoured my Folksy emails and website to find out what I needed to do next.  I was in a panic, the printer wasn't working, I had to go down the garden to a dark studio to find bubble wrap and jiffy bag, and it was a bit of a stressful hour.  Looking back, it was ridiculous that I got so worked up.  I have been wanting this since I loaded the first badly photo'd 17 items up back in November.  And now I was shouting at the printer, the cat, husband, like this was a bad thing!!??

Clearly Father in Law is not the only technophobe oldie in the family, but yes - I did get flustered and panicked by it all with it being my first online sale....until I pointed out to myself that this wasn't my first sale ever.  I had been selling on the market and at craft fairs for over 7 years, and the principles of the sale were the same - receipt, bag, give to customer = print receipt, package and post to customer.  What a Muppet I was. 😂😅😄

So apologies to the house energy, the cat, hubby and the printer for last nights version of myself.  I am sure future sales will be a much less painless and fraught, now that I have got the first online one out the way. I shall be more organised next time.  What did old Jones say in Dad's Army....."Don't Panic! Don't Panic!"...Note to self. 

So parcel was sent this morning, and I have finally finished loading the Sale items I have been working on the last few days, and I can officially say - SALE ON!!!

Click here to go directly to the Sale items.

Not sure how long the sale will be on for, and these are still all 'one of a kind' pieces, so once they are gone they are gone.  Some great savings though - as much as half price for some items.

Why are they in the sale I hear you say......these are all items that have either been in my stock a long time, or I am just wanting to make room for the new pieces I want to create, or I have just fallen out of love with them, or some are pieces I really like and just want them to find their forever home....or its a combination of all of that.  For whatever the reason, they jointly have resulted in my putting on a sale.

So there you have it....My first Sale.....on two levels - Folksy and Reductions.  Enjoy!

Blessings to All

Jane x

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