Monday, 28 November 2011

New look Website......and other stuff!

As Autumn takes hold and Winter approaches it is very much time to reflect on the past year.  I could have done a lot of things differently, but poor health and financial constraints have made this year a bit of a challenge, and so I am happy to be at a point where I can step back and review, and also plan for the coming New Year.

Firstly, I have a new look website which I have painstakingly built myself.  I am self taught in Dreamweaver, and whilst it may not be the easiest of software to get on with - I am sure there is simpler stuff out there - it is all I had access to it and so I took the plunge.  I am very pleased with what I have done.  It was certainly a learning curve, and I am already planning the next one and thinking of what I could have done differently!!  Anyway - it will do for a while. LOL 

Click here to view the new website.

We Are Bedford Pop Up Emporium

Until 15 December I have the honour of having a selection of my jewellery on display at a temporary Pop up shop in the new Castle Quarter of Bedford.  The shop, organised by the We Are Bedford group is for one month only and closes on 17 December 2011.  Don't let its 'temporary-ness' deter you from visiting....if anything let it emphasise the urgency for you to visit!

Why! - the pop up shop is about the community and it is stocked with loads of locally created handcrafted goods - all 100% genuine handcrafted items - art, fabric crafts, jewellery, furniture - all made locally.

So get along and have a look at what the best of Bedford have to offer - before its too late!!

New Copper Clay

With the price of Silver PMC today - and the fact it has increased so much of the last year - it has become difficult to maintain my creative activities, teaching has also seen some changes and the price of my finished products have also had to increase in line. 

However! There is a new kid on the block - Copper Clay.  It is worked in a similar fashion to silver clay, but it is so much more affordable - thereby making it an ideal starting point for anyone wanting to learn metal clay working, and it also gives me a new look to my products too.

I have tried a sample pack and today have taken delivery of a full pack of clay - which I will shortly be diving into in a creative frenzy! watch this space for new creations.

Holistic Therapies

Finally, I can't remember if I have already mentioned this, but I am now also offering Reflexology and Reiki treatments at The Mews Osteopathy and Sports Injury Clinic in Bedford.  Although more of a medical centre the clinic does offer some holistic therapies such as Homoeopathy and Nutrition, in addition to Osteopathy and sports massage.  An now, of course, Reflexology and Reiki.

For more details about The Mews Clinic - Click Here.

For details about Reflexology and Reiki - Click Here.

Well that is all for now folks - hope you have a look at all the links above and by all means share them with any interested contacts - the folks following the better!

Bright Blessings to all

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