Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Catch Up!!

Hi to All!

It has been quite a while since I tapped the keys to keep in touch with you, and for that I am sorry.  Things haven't been great at this end. 
Financial difficulties, car breaking down, being fixed and then still not right, being fixed and then breathing its last, being without a car for about 4 weeks, Dishwasher then breathing its last, Hubby having new job and living away midweek, and then Hubby being ill (thankfully not him breathing his last!!) - It has all been very challenging for me.  Lot of tears (a need to release the frustration and annoyance at the situation) and a real urge to just go and sit in a corner, suck my thumb and rock quietly back and forth - a case of 'stop the world - I want to get off!!
Happily though - the financial situ has been temporarily sorted - but I do need to go and get a 'day job' fairly soon - as succinctly put by my 15 year old (!) - I now have a car which though used is new to me and will hopefully be good for a few years to come.  As for the Dishwasher......thats why we had children so they can just get on with it! 
Hubby is still poorly with this raging sore throat and horrid cough which is keeping us both awake at night.  A visit to the doc and he has antibiotics and something to help him sleep.  Brilliant we thought.  Trouble is whilst he wasn't able to rest and sleep properly he was at least quiter with the exception of the coughing. For some reason the snoring had stopped.  Last night with the help of his medicine - he slept much better - except he was so much noisier - what with the coughing and spluttering, wheezing and snoring, and his heavy breathing was so much louder........me thinks the settee is looking very inviting tonight!
As for me - lack of sleep hasn't helped, but I am now feeling that things are getting better and I am hoping that the uncomfortable challenges of the last few months have now subsided and that things will soon be back on an even keel, and I will be feeling less stressed and challenged by it all.

Good News for daughter #2 - Holly. She went along to a friends gig and was invited to sing with the band - providing backing for the lead singer on a couple of numbers.  It was only during the sound check that we found out that they were considering her for the band depending upon how it went.  Shock and jubilation - she is now their backing singer - and she only 15!! Their first gig is to be 18 December and you can follow the band 'Spoilt for choice' from this link: - http://www.facebook.com/#!/spoiltforchoicelive

As for my jewellery job - I am of course going to continue this - fitting it around everything else (somehow!) and the teaching will also continue, but only at weekends.  I am of course hoping that the additional job will be a temporary thing, but needs must when the Devil drives, and it may actually provide me with the opportunity to step back a little - rethink my business plan and desires, and actually help me to get closer to them.

The next workshop is 30 October at Raleigh House, Bedford, and this is PMC & Nature day.  Come along to make items of jewellery inspired directly from Mother Nature herself, using textures and shapes taken directly from bark, leaves, twigs, shells etc.

Generally speaking, from conversations with friends, it seems that the last few months have heralded a time of great change for many - challenges, upheaval and generally trying times.  This suggests to me that many of us are indeed being challenged to face some of our own demons,outdated beliefs and repeating patterns of behaviour, in an effort to help us to let them go and more forward to bigger and better things.

On this positive note I offer Bright Blessings to All, until next time.

1 comment:

  1. What a lot you have had going on, no wonder the corner of the room was looking inviting, especially with lack of sleep adding to the skewed perspective on things. It is good to hear you sounding more upbeat about things now and I'm glad you managed to get a car sorted, love the dishwasher-ing children!
    Hope you all continue to get better in health and mind, thinking of you, Sarah xx
    PS Well done Holly!
