There is now a new discussion topic on Facebook - so take a look and give me your feedback - it is always appreciated and it does actually help me to improve the services and products I provide.
It would also be really nice if I had a couple of positive reviews posted on the Facebook if you are happy with what I have sold you, then a review from you on the site would be lovely.
As it is Sunday, I will resist the temptation to work properly today and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Looking forward to a BBQ today at a friends house with the family, and tomorrow there is the White Horse and open mic night - always a must - particularly with it being big band night.
Bright Blessings to all
Insights into the Woman and the Jeweller ......To Be, to Be Inspired and To Inspire.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
New Polls to Vote on Now!
Not long to vote on these - two simple questions.......
Would you or do you buy jewellery online from the internet?
Where would you buy handcrafted fine silver jewellery from?
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks J x
Would you or do you buy jewellery online from the internet?
Where would you buy handcrafted fine silver jewellery from?
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks J x
Times are a Changing!!
Well this has been a very interesting week. I wouldn't say that anything remarkable or special has happened....but I have realised a few things....or more so that a few things have gradually dawned on me - which I don't think is a bad thing.
Markets: After another disappointing day a market, I find myself again questioning whether it is the right place for me to be...or rather for my jewellery to be. Lots of people stop and compliment my work, and some do buy from me.......but I am barely covering my costs and on some days making a loss. This is clearly not the way to run a business. I enjoy meeting new/potential and existing customers, and I love the fact that everyone seems to get my jewellery and love it's uniqueness, but if the praise isn't coming via the wallet as well as verbally, then I have to rethink where I am selling my jewellery and ask the question - is the market place the right 'market'? So - I will be rethinking this aspect of my business and looking for alternative places to sell. This may force me to face my own demons and challenge my fears.....but I think I am now in a place where I can rise to this particular challenge.
Workshops: Another workshop with Adult learning has been cancelled due to not enough students on it. I am a little disappointed as it means I don't earn any money, but at the same time I have been wondering about this environment for teaching - do I want to be part of a big council department with all its rules and regulations etc.....or am I quite happy teaching privately where I am in control? Another question for me to ponder.
I did think that teaching through the council would make my workshops more affordable for students so that they were more accessible to the public.....but if there is no take up, then it appears that affordable workshops are not wanted. As my private workshops did run...this suggests that people would rather pay £80 to learn then half that with the council. I don't get the logic either....but that is what appears to be the case!
Website: - do people want to buy jewellery online? I think a new poll is coming soon - perhaps you want to try before you buy! Maybe my photos aren't clear enough. Whatever the reason...I would like to increase sales on the I will be adding a new poll to the blog and my facebook page to get the relevant feedback - so watch this space.
I have been working really hard the last couple of weeks, and today I am taking a rest, but only so that I can evaluate and review for a way forward with the business for the next chapter of its evolution.
I have no regrets about giving up the 'day job' just over a year has confirmed that I am doing what I am meant to be doing.....but don't think it is easy or that I have the luxury of a spouse earning income for the whole family. No - this is a labour of love and I have been coining the phrase 'struggling artist' lately, but it dawned on me that this was just going to attract more of the whilst things may be a little challenging at the moment, I am very lucky, we are surviving and I completely trust that we are being 'taken care of' by the 'Powers that be' (whatever your perception of that might be!), and so I trust that we are alright and it is getting better all the time.
Well that is my 'ramble through my mind' for the day ......contemplating the trails and tribulations of being Me the Jewellery Creator certainly helps to focus the mind and gain some clarity in what is my life, my business and my love.
Bright Divine Blessings to all
Markets: After another disappointing day a market, I find myself again questioning whether it is the right place for me to be...or rather for my jewellery to be. Lots of people stop and compliment my work, and some do buy from me.......but I am barely covering my costs and on some days making a loss. This is clearly not the way to run a business. I enjoy meeting new/potential and existing customers, and I love the fact that everyone seems to get my jewellery and love it's uniqueness, but if the praise isn't coming via the wallet as well as verbally, then I have to rethink where I am selling my jewellery and ask the question - is the market place the right 'market'? So - I will be rethinking this aspect of my business and looking for alternative places to sell. This may force me to face my own demons and challenge my fears.....but I think I am now in a place where I can rise to this particular challenge.
Workshops: Another workshop with Adult learning has been cancelled due to not enough students on it. I am a little disappointed as it means I don't earn any money, but at the same time I have been wondering about this environment for teaching - do I want to be part of a big council department with all its rules and regulations etc.....or am I quite happy teaching privately where I am in control? Another question for me to ponder.
I did think that teaching through the council would make my workshops more affordable for students so that they were more accessible to the public.....but if there is no take up, then it appears that affordable workshops are not wanted. As my private workshops did run...this suggests that people would rather pay £80 to learn then half that with the council. I don't get the logic either....but that is what appears to be the case!
Website: - do people want to buy jewellery online? I think a new poll is coming soon - perhaps you want to try before you buy! Maybe my photos aren't clear enough. Whatever the reason...I would like to increase sales on the I will be adding a new poll to the blog and my facebook page to get the relevant feedback - so watch this space.
I have been working really hard the last couple of weeks, and today I am taking a rest, but only so that I can evaluate and review for a way forward with the business for the next chapter of its evolution.
I have no regrets about giving up the 'day job' just over a year has confirmed that I am doing what I am meant to be doing.....but don't think it is easy or that I have the luxury of a spouse earning income for the whole family. No - this is a labour of love and I have been coining the phrase 'struggling artist' lately, but it dawned on me that this was just going to attract more of the whilst things may be a little challenging at the moment, I am very lucky, we are surviving and I completely trust that we are being 'taken care of' by the 'Powers that be' (whatever your perception of that might be!), and so I trust that we are alright and it is getting better all the time.
Well that is my 'ramble through my mind' for the day ......contemplating the trails and tribulations of being Me the Jewellery Creator certainly helps to focus the mind and gain some clarity in what is my life, my business and my love.
Bright Divine Blessings to all
Friday, 21 May 2010
The Stani Gallery - Opens Today - 22 May 2010!!
I can't believe I haven't already mentioned this on my blog - a definate ommission on my part. Bad Janie!!
The Stani Gallery in Stony Stratford High street is owned by a friend of mine (Suzi Whittacker - Resident Artist!) and she kindly invited me to exhibit my jewellery at the Gallery. As this was to be my gallery debut, this was both an honour and a little frightening too. Lots of anxiety - what if my jewellery wasn't good enough, or didn't compare well to the other 3 jewellers, or the prices were too high, or a hundred and one other doubts and fears that rose to the surface. Of course I kept beating them down as I truely want to believe that a Gallery was a better 'market place' for my jewellery than 'my going to market'.
Well we had the 'invitation only preview' last night, and it was most enjoyable and certainly put many of my doubts to rest. I also had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with two of the other three jewellers - both lovely people who are very talented in their own particular fields of jewellery.
So today I went to Bedford Market with my jewellery - a gloriously sunny day - it was lovely. Lots of people going about their business. Unfortunately, whilst I did manage to photograph all my new stock and price it and get it on display - and whilst a few did compliment my talants - it was a very slow and disappointing day - not a penny made. I did reflect during the day on whether my belief that the 'market' just wasn't the right setting for my jewellery was the thing blocking my sales, or whether it actually wasn't the right place for me, or whether it was 'just the recession' and would pick up soon. I figured I would tackle the mental aspect of it and try to change the limiting belief and then review. I also pondered the idea that the Gallery might be better and I should just get all my jewellery in shops/stockists.
However, I guess I got my answer when I came home...
Today the gallery was 'closed after the night before' in preparation for the grand opening tomorrow - however inspite of that they still managed to sell a piece of my jewellery - and not one of the more affordable pieces, but one of the expensive pieces. To say I was 'cock-a-hoop' would be an understatement. I am soooooooo Happy!!
It also tells me that perhaps stockist/galleries/shops may be the answer. And I sale doesn't necessarily make a regular thing - but I live in hope.
So..if you are in Stony Stratford, or live close by and fancy a day out...why not go and visit the gallery - it is absolutely packed to the rafters with fabulous art, pottery, glassware and of course jewellery. Their website is, if you would like to take a little look and find out about us artists and artisans.
blessings to all
The Stani Gallery in Stony Stratford High street is owned by a friend of mine (Suzi Whittacker - Resident Artist!) and she kindly invited me to exhibit my jewellery at the Gallery. As this was to be my gallery debut, this was both an honour and a little frightening too. Lots of anxiety - what if my jewellery wasn't good enough, or didn't compare well to the other 3 jewellers, or the prices were too high, or a hundred and one other doubts and fears that rose to the surface. Of course I kept beating them down as I truely want to believe that a Gallery was a better 'market place' for my jewellery than 'my going to market'.
Well we had the 'invitation only preview' last night, and it was most enjoyable and certainly put many of my doubts to rest. I also had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with two of the other three jewellers - both lovely people who are very talented in their own particular fields of jewellery.
So today I went to Bedford Market with my jewellery - a gloriously sunny day - it was lovely. Lots of people going about their business. Unfortunately, whilst I did manage to photograph all my new stock and price it and get it on display - and whilst a few did compliment my talants - it was a very slow and disappointing day - not a penny made. I did reflect during the day on whether my belief that the 'market' just wasn't the right setting for my jewellery was the thing blocking my sales, or whether it actually wasn't the right place for me, or whether it was 'just the recession' and would pick up soon. I figured I would tackle the mental aspect of it and try to change the limiting belief and then review. I also pondered the idea that the Gallery might be better and I should just get all my jewellery in shops/stockists.
However, I guess I got my answer when I came home...
Today the gallery was 'closed after the night before' in preparation for the grand opening tomorrow - however inspite of that they still managed to sell a piece of my jewellery - and not one of the more affordable pieces, but one of the expensive pieces. To say I was 'cock-a-hoop' would be an understatement. I am soooooooo Happy!!
It also tells me that perhaps stockist/galleries/shops may be the answer. And I sale doesn't necessarily make a regular thing - but I live in hope.
So..if you are in Stony Stratford, or live close by and fancy a day out...why not go and visit the gallery - it is absolutely packed to the rafters with fabulous art, pottery, glassware and of course jewellery. Their website is, if you would like to take a little look and find out about us artists and artisans.
blessings to all
Thursday, 20 May 2010
New Jewellery on its way!!
Hi Everyone,
I have been very busy the last 10 days making lots of lovely new jewellery - all handcrafted from the raw material of Precious Metal Clay......I don't just buy in stuff and assemble it you know!! No everything you see here, and on my website, has been personally created by me, by hand - even the polishing is done by hand, with a little help of a tumbler at the very end if I want a really high shine. These pieces will all be on the website and priced very soon.
That said, I have a very busy few days too....tomorrow I shall be at St Pauls Square in Bedford at the Static market stalls - It is Adult learners week this week, and I will be with the Central Beds Adult Skills and Community Learning team, promoting all the workshops and courses that are available....including my own as listed below in a previous little bloggette! Then tomorrow evening, I will be attending the invite only preview of the new gallery....with the grand opening being on 22 May 2010. That will be exciting as some of my jewellery is on display there - my gallery debut!!
Friday - I hope to be at Market....I will have to let you know...check the website or facebook page to confirm.
Saturday - Back to the Gallery for the opening.
Sunday - Shuttleworth Open Day - find me in the Craft Hall!!
Good job I have people at home picking up the slack with the house etc !!
More jewellery coming soon - some still to be completed, some due to be sent to Assay office for testing and hallmarking, some just waiting for chains etc. So watch this space!!
Bright Blessings to All
I have been very busy the last 10 days making lots of lovely new jewellery - all handcrafted from the raw material of Precious Metal Clay......I don't just buy in stuff and assemble it you know!! No everything you see here, and on my website, has been personally created by me, by hand - even the polishing is done by hand, with a little help of a tumbler at the very end if I want a really high shine. These pieces will all be on the website and priced very soon.
That said, I have a very busy few days too....tomorrow I shall be at St Pauls Square in Bedford at the Static market stalls - It is Adult learners week this week, and I will be with the Central Beds Adult Skills and Community Learning team, promoting all the workshops and courses that are available....including my own as listed below in a previous little bloggette! Then tomorrow evening, I will be attending the invite only preview of the new gallery....with the grand opening being on 22 May 2010. That will be exciting as some of my jewellery is on display there - my gallery debut!!
Friday - I hope to be at Market....I will have to let you know...check the website or facebook page to confirm.
Saturday - Back to the Gallery for the opening.
Sunday - Shuttleworth Open Day - find me in the Craft Hall!!
Good job I have people at home picking up the slack with the house etc !!
More jewellery coming soon - some still to be completed, some due to be sent to Assay office for testing and hallmarking, some just waiting for chains etc. So watch this space!!
Bright Blessings to All
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Yet more technology.....!!!
I am now also tweeting or twittering.....or whatever it is called. Anyway, you can now find me on Twitter - click the twitter button on the left or type into your search bar, whatever your preference. Or you could just click on it!!!! I was doing so well and now I seem to have taken a down turn...IT wise!!
Blessings!! LOL
Blessings!! LOL
New PMC Workshops in Adult Education
In place of the cancelled 6 session course on Precioous Metal Clay, there are now 3 individual workshops covering different aspects of using PMC. All the workshops are open to complete beginners and are students will go home with their finished pieces of jewellery at the end of the workshop. You can just do one or two of the workshops, or you can do all the workshops if you fancy. Here are the dates and some of the details - more details can be found on my website.
Saturday 29 May 2010: - Pendants & Earrings, Course Ref: BR626D3N
This workshop will teach the basics of using lump clay, such as applying texture, cutting and shaping. We will look at the different styles of bails to put on pendants, and cover the basics of making simple earrings.
Saturday 19 June 2010: - PMC & Fused Glass, Course Ref: BR625D3N
This workshop will teach the importance of tension with the clay to surround the glass, and will also look at using glass on top of the silver. You will be making two pendants which incorporate glass.
Saturday 26 June: - PMC & Nature, Course Ref: BR627D3N
This workshop will include the use of PMC paste, and you will be making interesting items inspired directly from nature, in addtion to a leaf pendant, using an actual leaf from the garden.
Times will be from 10am to 5pm, and the workshops take place at Rayleigh House in Bedford.
View the full course information sheets and use the links to the Central Beds Adult Skills and Community Learning site, where you can book your place.
In addition to the above, I am also teaching at Tudor Rose Patchwork, in Oakley near Bedford. Here are their teaching dates & topics, and full details and links to Tudor Rose Patchwork can be found on my site on the PMC Workshop page.
Thursday 24 June - Pendant with fused glass cabachon workshop
Saturday 21 August - PMC and Nature Day
Tuesday 5 October - PMC Clasp and Bead Day
Hope to see you on one of the above.
Saturday 29 May 2010: - Pendants & Earrings, Course Ref: BR626D3N
This workshop will teach the basics of using lump clay, such as applying texture, cutting and shaping. We will look at the different styles of bails to put on pendants, and cover the basics of making simple earrings.
Saturday 19 June 2010: - PMC & Fused Glass, Course Ref: BR625D3N
This workshop will teach the importance of tension with the clay to surround the glass, and will also look at using glass on top of the silver. You will be making two pendants which incorporate glass.
Saturday 26 June: - PMC & Nature, Course Ref: BR627D3N
This workshop will include the use of PMC paste, and you will be making interesting items inspired directly from nature, in addtion to a leaf pendant, using an actual leaf from the garden.
Times will be from 10am to 5pm, and the workshops take place at Rayleigh House in Bedford.
View the full course information sheets and use the links to the Central Beds Adult Skills and Community Learning site, where you can book your place.
In addition to the above, I am also teaching at Tudor Rose Patchwork, in Oakley near Bedford. Here are their teaching dates & topics, and full details and links to Tudor Rose Patchwork can be found on my site on the PMC Workshop page.
Thursday 24 June - Pendant with fused glass cabachon workshop
Saturday 21 August - PMC and Nature Day
Tuesday 5 October - PMC Clasp and Bead Day
Hope to see you on one of the above.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Full details of the pendant are shown on the website -
Friday, 7 May 2010
Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Market - Tomorrow!!
I will be at market tomorrow (Saturday 8 May) in Bedford town centre.....find me (probably) outside Marks & Spencer.
I will also have with me a selection of handcrafted tiaras (by my own fair hand) which I am no longer stocking or creating, so they are all on offer. So be it a wedding, confirmation or prom, there may just be something there for you.
Hope to see you tomorrow at market.
Bright Blessings
I will also have with me a selection of handcrafted tiaras (by my own fair hand) which I am no longer stocking or creating, so they are all on offer. So be it a wedding, confirmation or prom, there may just be something there for you.
Hope to see you tomorrow at market.
Bright Blessings
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Family Gathering or Selling Opportunity?
Well on bank holiday Sunday I had the pleasure of attending a family &friends gathering, and although I had been asked to take my jewellery along, I wasn't expecting anything other than some feedback. To my delight and surprise a friend not only bought some earrings from me to give as a gift, but also commissioned me to make some pieces for her this Thursday!! (I should say at this point that whilst I am typing this elements of the commission are drying, so I am not actually wasting time as it may appear!! LOL)Needless to say I am now rather busy in my efforts to get the commission ready in time. I usually quote a couple of months on commissions, simply to allow time for everything else in between, so whilst I am feeling the pressure of the deadline, I think this will be a good exercise for me to see just how quickly I can turn things around.
On a separate note, some of my jewellery has now gone to be displayed in The Stani Gallery, due to open on 22 May 2010, so my stocks are a little depleted. That said, I do plan to be at market on Saturday, and maybe even this Friday too - I will see how things go.
Bye for now and Bright Blessings to all.
On a separate note, some of my jewellery has now gone to be displayed in The Stani Gallery, due to open on 22 May 2010, so my stocks are a little depleted. That said, I do plan to be at market on Saturday, and maybe even this Friday too - I will see how things go.
Bye for now and Bright Blessings to all.
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