Well this has been a very interesting week. I wouldn't say that anything remarkable or special has happened....but I have realised a few things....or more so that a few things have gradually dawned on me - which I don't think is a bad thing.
Markets: After another disappointing day a market, I find myself again questioning whether it is the right place for me to be...or rather for my jewellery to be. Lots of people stop and compliment my work, and some do buy from me.......but I am barely covering my costs and on some days making a loss. This is clearly not the way to run a business. I enjoy meeting new/potential and existing customers, and I love the fact that everyone seems to get my jewellery and love it's uniqueness, but if the praise isn't coming via the wallet as well as verbally, then I have to rethink where I am selling my jewellery and ask the question - is the market place the right 'market'? So - I will be rethinking this aspect of my business and looking for alternative places to sell. This may force me to face my own demons and challenge my fears.....but I think I am now in a place where I can rise to this particular challenge.
Workshops: Another workshop with Adult learning has been cancelled due to not enough students on it. I am a little disappointed as it means I don't earn any money, but at the same time I have been wondering about this environment for teaching - do I want to be part of a big council department with all its rules and regulations etc.....or am I quite happy teaching privately where I am in control? Another question for me to ponder.
I did think that teaching through the council would make my workshops more affordable for students so that they were more accessible to the public.....but if there is no take up, then it appears that affordable workshops are not wanted. As my private workshops did run...this suggests that people would rather pay £80 to learn then half that with the council. I don't get the logic either....but that is what appears to be the case!
Website: - do people want to buy jewellery online? I think a new poll is coming soon - perhaps you want to try before you buy! Maybe my photos aren't clear enough. Whatever the reason...I would like to increase sales on the site....so I will be adding a new poll to the blog and my facebook page to get the relevant feedback - so watch this space.
I have been working really hard the last couple of weeks, and today I am taking a rest, but only so that I can evaluate and review for a way forward with the business for the next chapter of its evolution.
I have no regrets about giving up the 'day job' just over a year ago......it has confirmed that I am doing what I am meant to be doing.....but don't think it is easy or that I have the luxury of a spouse earning income for the whole family. No - this is a labour of love and I have been coining the phrase 'struggling artist' lately, but it dawned on me that this was just going to attract more of the same.....so whilst things may be a little challenging at the moment, I am very lucky, we are surviving and I completely trust that we are being 'taken care of' by the 'Powers that be' (whatever your perception of that might be!), and so I trust that we are alright and it is getting better all the time.
Well that is my 'ramble through my mind' for the day ......contemplating the trails and tribulations of being Me the Jewellery Creator certainly helps to focus the mind and gain some clarity in what is my life, my business and my love.
Bright Divine Blessings to all
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