Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Buy in Person for Christmas

Well, it is that time of year again - the flurry of activity in the run up to Christmas.
If you love my jewellery and want to know where I will be so that you can buy in person before Christmas - avoiding that last minute rush.....I will be at the Handcrafted in Bedfordshire Market in Bedford town centre on: -

Saturday 5 November and Saturday 17 December.

Check out the website first if you like and then come and see the jewellery 'in its silver glory' on one of the above days - do the 'touchy feeling - try before you buy' thing.  I can usually be found outside M & S - though this may be subject to change in December.

For more details about the Handcrafted in Bedfordshire market check out this facebook page.
For my website, click here