Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Happy Days!

I have had a lovely day today working in my studio. The sun has been shining, the stable door has been open all day, and as I have been working away on my newest creations, I had the pleasure of listening to the birds and bees twitter and buzz around the garden. Sometimes my concentration and focus is such that natures chattering just blocks out any other noise - even the music I have playing in my studio just seems to fade as the bird songs take over. As my mind focuses on what my hands are creating, it is almost as though nature is giving me an overture to spur me on.
This has got to be my most favourite time of year to be creating jewellery. It all feels so optimistic as the sun gets warmer and the days longer.
I really do love spring!

On a more practical matter, of course all of the above leads me to say that I have been making more jewellery so will be giving a sneak preview probably next week.

I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but I have been invited to display my jewellery at a new gallery that is opening in Stony Stratford on 22 May. I am really looking forward to this as it will be my debut in any kind of gallery - this is a huge step forward for me. It also means that I do need to make lots more jewellery so that I can have stock in the gallery, at my sister-in-laws clinic, and still have stock to go to market with - not to mention the River Festival in July, which I am hopefully going to be attending.

There are lots of things happening.......Isn't spring just wonderful.....all the potential just waiting to burst out into bloom!

Bright blessings to all
Love, light and laughter

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Thursday 22/4/10

Well what a lovely day at market I had - the sun was shining (though still a little chilly in the shade) and plenty of interest in jewellery and sales. I am really looking forward to market again tomorrow, so hopefully those who said they would come back tomorrow will, and I will have another fantastic day.
I was hoping to be closer to the main pedestrian area tomorrow, but I will be in the same place as I was today.
The last three months have been very slow and dispondency had set is amazing what a couple of good days can do for that - completely blown it away and I am now feeling very positive and back on track.
Oh I do love spring and the sun!
Hope to see you tomorrow!
Bright Blessings

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

To Market! To Market!........

I shall be at bedford market, outside the harper suite tomorrow in a Bedford markets gazeebo.....and then on Friday, providing the weather stays good I shall be there again with my own market stall. Though on Friday I may try and get a place closer to the pedestrian crossroads - ie Beales and M&S. Times are, I think, from 9.00am to 4pm, or there abouts.

It will be a lovely day so if you are out and about...I hope you'll stop and say hello!

Light and Laughter to all

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Precious Metal Course with Beds Adult Skills and Community Learning.

I was due to teach a 6 session course, commencing 24 April (this saturday), unfortunately, there are not enough students booked on the course to make it viable, therefore it will not run.
However, all is not lost......after discussions with the relevant people in charge, we have decided that I will run 3 seperate individual workshops starting on 29 May. All of these workshops will be suitable for beginners, and instead of paying once fee for 6 weeks, you can book and pay for each session individually.
So watch this space for more details....alternatively, check out the website or the facebook page.
Love and Light

Giving a Talk to the WI!

Well I have just come back from a lovely afternoon with the Women's Institute, having given a talk to them on me, my jewellery and precious metal clay, as their guest speaker. They were very welcoming and also very appreciative of my presentation. And they had a little surprise for me!
Not only did they pay for giving the talk (I wasn't expecting that!), some of the ladies also bought some of my jewellery, which was a lovely surprise, particularly as I nearly didn't take my jewellery with me!! So glad I did. LOL

So it is safe to say that I am more than happy to give talks to the WI, and any other ladies groups and organisations that may require a guest speaker.

It is a lovely day here in Bedford...the sun is shining and I am feeling uplifted and refreshed.

Bright blessings to all

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Morning after the night before!!

Well after a lovely evening with friends last night, good food, good company, a clear night with beautiful stars, a fire pit and a good amount of vino and beer, we are all starting to stir......I think perhaps a few 'thick' heads may exist. Best find the pain killers and get the English cooked breakfast going!

I am really enjoying having my friends to stay, but at the back of my mind it is 'work, work, work', so I am resisting the temptation to work on a Sunday, allowing myself one extra day to kick back and relax with my dear friends......but tomorrow and all of next week I will be very busy.....Lesson plans to finalise, materials to order (providing course has enough students and goes ahead), a talk to give, jewellery to make, and if the course doesn't go ahead - I will be at market too - a day out from doing all the other stuff that needs to be done when running your own business.

I guess that is the penalty for slowing down for a while, all of a sudden everything kicks in at once and its straight from first gear to fifth in one move. Hey Ho!!

Hoping you all have a lovely Sunday and it is also sunny and bright where you are.

Bright Blessings to all.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Oops! Forgot to mention....

Just wanted to bring your attention to the two Polls on the left - What Silver Jewellery do you like to wear/buy? and Typically, how much would you spend on Silver jewellery? With the first one, it would be a great help if you could respond to the top two/three answers as appropriate and any others that are relevant, and then vote. With the second poll, I just need an idea of what you are prepared to pay for silver jewellery. This will enable me to structure my creations accordingly, in addition to making the more expensive statement pieces that capture my imagination.
In anticipation.....I thank you for your time.
Light and Laughter

Happy with my Blog - Not such a technophobe after all!!

Well I managed it after all. I am quite happy with this so will be spreading the word wherever I can....hopefully picking up new fans for facebook, new followers for blog and lots of lovely people looking at my website and buying my jewellery!! No pressure then! (Haha!)

I will also be advertising my workshops on here. Currently there are two coming up, but neither actually organised by me, just for a change.

Teaching through Central Beds - Bedfordshire Adult Skills and community Learning, a 6 session course starts on 24 April 2010...providing enough students are booked on the course. Full details of the course, dates and everything else can be found on my website, and you can book your place on it through, which is also linked from my website. Basically - take a look at my website - PMC Workshops page.

You will also find a one day workshop on 24 June 2010 with Tudor Rose Patchwork, in Oakley (nr Bedford) - again...all the details are on my website, and you can book your place directly with Tudor Rose Patchwork.

Well that is all for is a lovely sunny day here in Bedford and I am looking forward to having friends come and stay over the weekend. We haven't seen each other in ages so it will be a great weekend I think. Better start cleaning house then!

Bright Blessings to everyone

welcome to my Blog!

Well, I am not the most computer literate person in the world, but having mastered the maintenance of my website (to a degree!) and thrown myself into Facebook, I thought it a good idea to give blogging a go! LOL (I think 'twittering' might take a bit longer though - just not getting it!)
Anyway, welcome to my blog - which I hope will complement my website ( Facebook page (JDLM - Handcrafted Fine Silver Jewellery & PMC Workshops - My aim is to preview my new creations on the blog (as I do on my Facebook page)and I may also be offering separate discounts and offers......and sharing with you a little bit of me in my world of unique individually and personally handcrafted fine silver jewellery. I hope you enjoy it.

Jane's Jewellery